Service-Oriented Architecture Optimization TC

Work on Service-Oriented Architecture optimization is in the SOA Work Area. We've delivered talks (and chaired a session at the OASIS Symposium 2008) on SOA Optimization.

SOA End-to-End Resource Planning [SOA-EERP] is a technology that optimizes deployment of services onto a SOA description of an application; a number of presentations in that session were specifically on SOA-EERP. The focus in EERP is on enablers for optimization, in particular

  • Characterization of the business attributes of a service, called Business Quality of Service [BQoS]
  • Characterization of and accessing the reputation of potential service providers
  • Business Service-Level Agreements.

The Technical Committee started work on August 6, 2008. The web page for the OASIS SOA-EERP Technical Committee gives more information and links to other EERP presentations. Instructions for joining are on the TC web page. The TC has a White Paper (in draft form) with an extended example of the application of EERP. William Cox is Co-Chair of the Technical Committee.

Cox Software Architects LLC contributed the first documents to the SOA-EERP Technical Committee to begin its work.

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